Birdworld is open from 10:00am until 4:30pm everyday

Make sure you don’t miss these must-see exhibits!


Birdworld is home to two penguin exhibits, Penguin Island and Penguin Beach.

Penguins at Birdworld


Discover the wonders of Birdworld’s newly transformed enclosures – Flamboyant Flamingos and Wetland Waders!

Flamboyant Flamingos
& Wetland Waders!


Step into our indoor interactive attraction where you'll be surrounded by a mesmerising array of colourful birds.

Indoor Walk-through Experience


rrrWhoo-hoo, join Professor Kettle on an enchanting journey though the world of Owls.

The Owl Academy


Birdworld’s parrots are housed throughout the park and species can be found in all shapes and sizes.

Parrots at Birdworld


This exhibit replicates the look and feel of the vulnerable southeast Asian rainforests that these birds’ are native to.

Threatened Species


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    1 day ago
    Birdworld Surrey
    If youre visiting Birdworld in the coming weeks, youll see lots of changes happening. Were now full steam ahead into our building work for the new play areas. Were also taking down some old enclosures, which are past a bit of TLC. But dont worry, our birds are all still here!

Our Flamingo flock have moved into their beautiful new enclosure, and our White-faced whistling ducks have moved further down the park, too. Our pair of Turkey Vultures will be taking their place down on the crescent, eventually joined by our boy Stanley the Striated Caracara.

What will be coming to the front Pond? Well, would anyone like to eat lunch next to 10 lively Australian Pelicans?!

If you have any questions during your visit, please ask one of our team members, and theyll be happy to let you know where your favourite birds have moved to. 

#birds #birdworld #birdsonplanet #refurb #refurbishment #zoobirds #zooupdates #development #enclosures #future

    If you're visiting Birdworld in the coming weeks, you'll see lots of changes happening. We're now full steam ahead into our building work for the new play areas. We're also taking down some old enclosures, which are past 'a bit of TLC'. But don't worry, our birds are all still here!

    Our Flamingo flock have moved into their beautiful new enclosure, and our White-faced whistling ducks have moved further down the park, too. Our pair of Turkey Vultures will be taking their place down on the crescent, eventually joined by our boy Stanley the Striated Caracara.

    What will be coming to the front Pond? Well, would anyone like to eat lunch next to 10 lively Australian Pelicans?!

    If you have any questions during your visit, please ask one of our team members, and they'll be happy to let you know wher#birds #birdworldb#birdsonplanetd#refurb##refurbishmentl#zoobirdsn#zooupdatesu#developmenth#enclosuresr#futureupdates #development #enclosures #future
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    I do hope this won't turn in to a place just for little kids as my son who is a teenager loves coming here as he loves birds and its peaceful and it will be spoilt with loads of kids screaming and shouting.

    I hope it's not going to change in to a children's playground. It used to be a lovely quiet place to walk round and look at the birds. A small zoo we used to visit has installed a load of climbing things and it's now full of screaming children, they still expect the same entrance fee but the noise effects the animals and spoils it for everyone one else.The children are not interested in the animals. After years of visiting won't be going again.

    When do you hope to have finished the building of the play areas and have them open to visitors?

    Chelsea Wraxall they finally going to bring the isolated Caracara out. Poor fellas been in the wild garden since I can remember 🙏🏻

    Please take those poor penguins out of that muddy area where they are unable to swim on that filthy water

    Great news! The last time we came I left feeling a little depressed by the size and state of some of the enclosures, birds and how stressed some of the flamingos were pacing up and down so much so that we haven’t returned as yet . I’m so glad to hear good things are happening as I used to love bird world. Shame the reptile/aquatic part wasn’t there but I can’t wait to come back again.

    I love BW! VERY fond memories of Stanley the Striated Caracara doing his KerPlunk trick in the flying display of days gone by!

    Had a nice few hours this afternoon, great to see the new areas

    Can't wait to see all the changes

    This would have been nice to have been notifed that certain areas were closed 2 weekends ago and still having to pay full price.. nothing online stated that there was closure to certain areas. Or that the farm part of the animals were no longer there.

    Considering 2 of the pelican were hopping out of their enclosure today... That's going to make for an interesting lunch 😂😂

    Birdworld is my daughters favourite place to visit 💕 she will be very happy to hear that none of the birds will be leaving 💕

    James Curtis

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    3 days ago
    Birdworld Surrey
    A big thank you to @flamingolandresort, @wwtslimbridge @eloisemott and Lisa Bath for helping us with Flamingo pictures for our beautiful new collage in Flamboyant Flaminos! 🦩🦩🦩

Zoos work closely together to share resources and information, to help each other out, and in this case, to brighten up a new display!

Come see our new and improved Flamingo walkthrough at Birdworld this half term!

#bird #birdworld #birdphotography #flamingo #chileanflamingo #flamboyant #flamboyance #pink #waders #surreylife #hampshirelife #daysoutwithkids #daysout #zoobirds #zoolife #zoophotography #halfterm

    A big thank you to Official Flamingo L, WWT Slimbridge Eloise and Lisa Bath for helping us with Flamingo pictures for our beautiful new collage in Flamboyant Flaminos! 🦩🦩🦩

    Zoos work closely together to share resources and information, to help each other out, and in this case, to brighten up a new display!

    Come see our new and improved Flamingo walkthrough at Birdworld this half term!

    #bird #birdworld #birdphotography #flamingo #chileanflamingo #Flamboyant #flamboyance #pink #waders #surreylife #hampshirelife #daysoutwithkids #daysout #zoobirds #zoolife #zoophotography #halfterm
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    1 week ago
    Birdworld Surrey
    🎉🦩 THIS WEEKEND!! Join us for our Coastal Event and the launch of our two beautiful walkthrough aviaries - Wetland Waders and Flamboyant Flamingos!

Come and learn all about wetland habitats and their birds with our Conservation Education guides - Robyn, Paula, Katrice, and Mandy - and join in with some fun and games throughout the weekend. You may even win a sticker or two!

We cant wait to see you at Birdworld!

*activities subject to change.

#birdworld #birds #flamingo #wetlandbirds #wetlands #chileanflamingo #zoobirds #zoolife #birdsonplanet #spoonbill #ibis #incatern #surreylife #surreymums #hampshiremumsnet #hampshirelife #daysout #daysoutwithkids #halfterm #activities #activitiesforkids #farnham #farnhamsurrey

    🎉🦩 THIS WEEKEND!! Join us for our Coastal Event and the launch of our two beautiful walkthrough aviaries - Wetland Waders and Flamboyant Flamingos!

    Come and learn all about wetland habitats and their birds with our Conservation Education guides - Robyn, Paula, Katrice, and Mandy - and join in with some fun and games throughout the weekend. You may even win a sticker or two!

    We can't wait to see you at Birdworld!

    *activities subject to chan#birdworldw#birdsb#flamingom#wetlandbirdsb#wetlandsl#chileanflamingom#zoobirdsb#zoolifeo#birdsonplanetl#spoonbilln#ibis##incaterna#surreylifey#surreymumsy#hampshiremumsnetm#hampshirelifee#daysouty#daysoutwithkidsh#halftermf#activitiesi#activitiesforkidsr#farnhamr#farnhamsurreyurrey
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    Great photos!

    We’ll get there soon. Haven’t seen those lovely pelicans in a while